Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Cressida Dick

Why was this woman promoted twice following the execution of Jean Charles De Mendez?

Could this be the answer?


Monday, 21 September 2009

My MP denies any knowledge of Common Purpose

Yesterday I sent my MP an email and asked if he had any knowledge of Common Purpose.
His return email said quite simply NO.
That was it, just a simple NO.

I found this surprising as he has a link to the Common Purpose website from his own personal website.
It's under the heading Training and Education.

I'm not going to tell him I've seen the link which he has obviously forgotten about.
I did reply and ask why Common Purpose is receiving so much public money.
I'll post his reply here if I ever get one.
I'll also post his name.

Sunday, 20 September 2009

Stop Common Purpose

Common Purpose has tentacles everywhere and they need to be stopped right now.

Contact your MP and demand to know how much Common Purpose receives from the taxpayer every year. Demand that these donations be stopped as Common Purpose has a clear political agenda and as such cannot be recognised as a charity.

There is likely to be a General Election next year, use your vote to stop them.

Don't vote for any of the mainstream parties.
Not only do all three have connections to Common Purpose but all three were also involved in the Expenses Scandal. Remember that while many MP's abused their expense claims somebody had to authorise them. In fact the Mp's were encouraged to do this.
Don't vote for any of the mainstream parties, look for an Independent who you feel you can trust.
If you don't you can expect to see Parliament dissolved in the very near future and we will be governed totally by the EU.

Common Purpose

I'm so disturbed by what I've seen regarding this organisation that I thought they deserved their own blog.
Last week I'd never heard of them.
Today I know that they're everywhere.
They have "Graduates" in the NHS, Police, Judiciary, A Number of MP's including some in The Cabinet, NHS etc etc etc.

Common Purpose Exposed

I have so many concerns about this bunch I don't quite know where to start.

Whereever they have involvement things don't seem to be going so well.
Which begs the question, "Why Are We The Taxpayer Throwing Money At Them"?

NHS - Understaffed, dirty hospitals, patients attending for routine operations are dying.
Police - Violent crime is on the increase (despite the massaged figures we all know this to be true). A woman "torched herself and her daughter this week" after the police ignored her pleas for help. Daily people are calling the police for help and not getting any.
Many town centres erupt in violence every weekend, many offenders are generally released without charge or just a caution.

Judiciary - Soft sentences, violent offenders released back onto the streets far too early as a result. Prisoners enjoy T.V. Playstaions etc while the victims are generally left devestated.

Brian Gerrish states on one of his videos "Whereever Common Purpose have involvement" NOTHING WORKS. WHY?

The link below is to just one of the many videos released by Brian Gerrish, please try to watch them all if you have the time.


If you want to know if your MP is involved in Common Purpose you have a right to ask using the Freedom Of Information Act.