Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Common Purpose Update

If you have just found this page and have never heard of Common Purpose you need to read this first...

Common Purpose - The Hidden Virus

I came across Common Purpose a few weeks ago by accident.
Although I have a terminal illness the DWP were insisting I needed to attend a medical. In fact the guy I spoke to was extremely rude and unhelpful despite being aware of my condition.
I took a look online to see if anybody else had experienced similar problems.
I came across this site and was alarmed by what I read about Common Purpose.

DWP Corruption

I have contacted a number of MP's this week and asked them about Common Purpose.
In every case the answer has been the same.
They know little or nothing about the organisation and having looked at the website they don't see a problem.
I have to conclude that anybody that doesn't see a problem with this organisation and the way it operates is actually a part of that problem themselves.
Among those I contacted were Nick Clegg and David Cameron, neither has even acknowledged my email. Clearly nobody wants to discuss Common Purpose.

I could fill a number of pages with what I've discovered about Common Purpose since I came upon it by accident, none of it good.
One of the most disturbing facts I found was evidence that they use Neuro Linguistic Programming techniques which is explained here by Brian Gerrish, a former Naval Officer who was the first to expose Common Purpose for what it is.

NLP Explained

As Common Purpose is a Registered Charity funded almost entirely by the taxpayer I find it alarming that any questions relating to its activities are met with a very high brick wall.

Although over ONE HUNDRED MILLION POUNDS Of taxpayers cash has been handed over for their various courses there is no verifiable evidence to show these courses are of any value.
In fact where Common Purpose is most active there appears to be nothing but chaos.
Cressida Dick is a Common Purpose "Graduate".
Cressida Dick is the senior police officer who authorised the “Shoot to kill” policy without reference to Parliament, the law or the British Constitution. Jean Charles De Menezes was one of the innocents who died as a result. Her shoot to kill policy still stands today.

Another prime example is the NHS who, to date, have spent over 250K on Common Purpose Training. It's an undeniable fact that as the number of Common Purpose Graduates rose in the NHS so did the numbers of those dying from flesh eating diseases.
Is Common Purpose training affecting the judgement of those taking part in its courses. Brian Gerrish certainly thinks so.

To date Common Purpose has been reported six times to the Information Commissioners Office for breaches of the Data Protection Act.
One case has been closed without action after ten months.
The other five are ongoing and it's likely to be another six months before a decision is made.

Complaints About Common Purpose

I have also seen documents that show Common Purpose Graduates are actively recruiting others on "Company Time" using "Company Resources".
So not only are we taxpayers paying for these courses that benefit only the hand picked elite, we're also providing the resources for them to recruit others.
Do we want our NHS Execs spending their time promoting Common Purpose or would we rather they concentrate on eliminating MRSA?

I advise anybody reading this to start investigating how active Common Purpose is in your area.
Use the FOI Act to get this information, but do it via the link below in order to avoid revealing your personal details to Common Purpose.
They are provided with a list of names and addresses of anybody asking questions about them.


Why would a charity organisation feel the need to do this?
I have read claims of intimidation and harassment of anybody speaking out against them but so far have been unable to prove this.
Ask if Common Purpose is active in your child's school, which teachers are members etc.
How many of your local councillors are members of Common Purpose


If you want to get more involved then check out the British Constitution Group.
Be sure to watch the latest video from Brian Gerrish.


UK Column Newspaper


E U Truth


Where it all began, list of traitors


The most important thing now is to let others know about Common Purpose.
Send emails to all your contacts alerting them to Common Purpose, ask them to do the same.
Contact your MP and local councillors and let them know you're aware of Common Purpose. You can do this via the following website saving the cost of stamps.
Just tap in your postcode and you'll get a list of all councillors and the MP for your area.

Write to Them

Make a formal complaint to the Charity Commission, the more complaints they get the more likely they are to be forced to take action.
Common Purpose is Elitist and Politically Motivated in direct contradiction of the Charity Commissions Rules.

Start your own blog.
Contact your local press.
Do whatever you can to spread the word.


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