Thursday, 15 October 2009

Mike Forster responds to my email on behalf of Derek Wyatt

My comments are bold.....

Dear Mr Boyce

Derek has asked me to reply on his behalf to your emails and blogposts regarding Common Purpose. Derek is disappointed that you have chosen to describe him as dishonest on your blog, as he has been entirely honest with you, and he hopes that you will consider revising your opinion.

Regarding the link on Derek’s website, it has not been removed. The site has recently undergone a re-design, but the link is still on the Useful Links page. While Derek does not remember why it is included, my best guess is that a member of staff or our website developer copied links from another website, such as KCC. Derek did not deny their existence in his original response; he merely stated that he had not heard of the organisation.

I accept this explanation having designed a few websites for others myself and for this reason I'm prepared to apologise for this remark

Having read many of the conspiracies on the Internet about Common Purpose, we remain to be convinced that the organisation does anything other than the activities it states on its website. Indeed, its website allows visitors to apply for courses directly. It explains the high fees charged to corporate clients by the fact that it offers bursaries to suitable applicants who cannot afford the fees – rather like the current system of funding for Higher Education.

The website also gives extensive details of the content of the courses, as well as the Trustees of the charity. Accounts for the last 5 years are available on the Charity Commission website, as normal.

These accounts are provided by Common Purpose themselves and in my view are "far too tidy".
I would like to see an independent audit performed on this organisation.
Also it states that it spends certain amounts each year on charitable purposes but doesn't explain exactly what these charitable purposes are.
I know who the NSPCC and the RSPCA are and I can see evidence of their work quite openly.
What exactly does Common Purpose do that benefits the general public?
As Common Purpose operates under Chatham House Rules it is practically impossible for the average guy to acces this information.
As such I don't feel it deserves its charity status

The fact that the website you included in your email lays this huge conspiracy at the feet of a serving Cabinet Minister further diminishes its credibility, and it provides no factual evidence for this or any of the claims that it makes. To imply that a management training organisation is responsible for MRSA or the tragic case of Jean Charles de Menezes very much pushes the boundaries of reality.

Brian Gerish is a former serving Naval Officer so in my view his opinions carry a lot of weight.
What are your credentials?
Also if you look at the website properly you will find a number of documents backing up many of his claims, although I admit some of his claims are "speculative".
However if he is printing lies as you seem to suggest then why hasn't he been challenged in court by both Common Purpose and The Government?
As for Common Purpose being responsible for MRSA I'm not sure what gave you the impression I felt that?
(In fact I feel MRSA is more likely to be attributed to the Iraq War and I will explain why in another post.)
I was trying to push the point that if Common Purpose is such a huge success worthy of over 100M of taxpayers cash then why are there so many problems whereever large numbers of Common Purpose Graduates are active?
Today a report was published that shows almost half of all hospitals in this country are failing to provide basic needs.
This follows almost twelve years of Labour rule and a huge rise in the number of Common Purpose Graduates in the NHS.
The question I asked which you have failed to answer was "How is Common Purpose helping the NHS?"

As for Charles De Menzes I stated that Cressida Dick attended a Common Purpose training course in 1995/1996.
She later went on to order the execution of an innocent man on Public Transport.
So I'm asking if her Common Purpose Training influenced her decison that day, I didn't claim Common Purpose was responsible for the execution.
I doubt there is a man or woman outside of parliament who desn't feel she should have been sacked following this very public execution of an innocent man.
The fact that she was promoted following this incident, not once but twice, beggars belief.
For this I point the finger at The Government not Common Purpose.

I can assure you that criminals are being locked up – indeed one of our biggest concerns is that despite building extra prisons since 1997, investment in the police has meant that more criminals are being imprisoned than we have space available. That same investment has seen crime drop drastically since 1997. By and large looked after children are not being tortured to death, and where isolated (but nonetheless tragic) cases have emerged the Government has been quick in sending people in to overhaul social services in individual authorities.

According the the news today Jack Straw is intending to close 30 magistrates courts.
The reason given is they are half empty most of the time.
With crime on the increase particularly violent crime why are courts half empty?
I think the anser to this is simple, the police are too busy with paper work to arrest criminals so they are using on the spot penalty notices to deal with offences that warrant arrest.
You only have to watch one of the many episodes on TV of the police in action to know this is a fact.
I've lost count of the number of times I've watched police being verbally abused, threatened and physically attacked only for the culprit to be let off with a warning, caution or a fixed penalty notice.
These are all offences which warrant an arrest and subsequent court action.
Police ignored over 30 requests for help from Fiona Pilkington.
No wonder the courts are half empty, how many other cases are there such as this we don't ever hear about because the victim has not yet killed herself?
Your record on crime speaks for itself, no matter how you try to massage the figures.

I have ave also checked with Companies House, and there are no Police Forces registered there. I would be grateful if you could point me in the direction of your source to the contrary.

Try Dunne and Bradstreet or check your search terms

In closing I would just like to add that a report from the EU states that Britain is at high risk of going bust.
No doubt you'll blame this on the recession but the recession is worldwide, why are we suffering the most?
Either you and your government colleagues are totally incompetent and are too busy exploiting the Expense System to concentrate on the problems we face or we are deliberately being dragged down to allow complete takeover by the EU.
Which is it?

Kind regards

Mike Forster
Office of Derek Wyatt MP

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