Thursday, 15 October 2009

My Email to Derek Wyatt MP


As you’re aware I am suffering from lung cancer.
Last week I was officially classed as terminal.
The only reason I mention this is because I want to make it clear how much Common Purpose scares me.
I am far more concerned about Common Purpose and its activities than my own demise which I can do nothing to change!
Common Purpose is everywhere yet nobody seems to have heard of it!

I came across Common Purpose by accident a couple of weeks ago when I was having problems with the DWP.
Although I am terminally ill they insisted I needed to attend a medical, which I complained to you about at the time.
I was looking online to see if anybody else had experienced similar problems.

I found a lot of sites, one in particular that blamed Common Purpose for pretty much everything bad that’s happened in recent years.
I don’t go much for Conspiracy Theories but I was interested enough to do some digging of my own.
It’s not easy to find information regarding Common Purpose because the organisation shrouds itself in secrecy.
Try something simple like asking for a list of members/graduates.

When I asked you if you’d heard of Common Purpose your answer was a simple NO, despite the fact you had a link to Common Purpose from your own website.
This link has very recently been removed.
If, as you say, this organisation is above board, why did you deny their existence and then remove the link? Why all the secrecy?

How can an organisation that charges between 5K and 10K for a two day course be considered a charity?
Common Purpose also has some very heavy backing including Deutsche Bank.
How did they manage to register themselves as a charity and where does all the money go?
Just to put this into perspective the Full Microsoft Training Package with a guaranteed pass and which takes a few months to complete costs £2,649
Common Purpose collects between 5K and 10K for a two day course and nobody has any idea what kind of course it is.

Were you aware that Cressida Dick attended a Common Purpose training course in 95/96?
She is also a very active promoter of Common Purpose.
Cressida Dick ordered the very public execution of an innocent man on London Transport.
Not only was she not sacked, as the majority of the public expected, she has been promoted twice since this event.

Why is it that wherever Common Purpose is active nothing seems to work properly?

The NHS has spent a small fortune on Common Purpose courses over the past few years.
At the same time patients attending hospital for the most minor operations are losing limbs or dying after contracting a variety of flesh eating diseases.
MRSA was pretty much unheard of in the year 2,000.
How is Common Purpose training helping the NHS exactly?

The police have also spent a fortune on Common Purpose training.
Kent Police alone have spent £36,000 for officers to attend Common Purpose courses.

On Saturday Superintendent Steve Harrod, Head of Criminal Justice at Leicestershire Police made a startling statement at the inquest of Fiona Pilkington.
He stated that anti-social behaviour and low-level hooliganism is no longer the responsibility of the police.
Beating somebody with an iron bar is not anti-social behaviour; neither is marching somebody at knifepoint to a shed and locking them in.
Both are criminal offences still unless there’s been a change in the law I’m not aware of.
The age of the perpetrator is not relevant.
Chris Tew, the former Assistant Chief Constable of Leicestershire Police, told the coroner that by the end of this year 2,000 officers would have been trained
to spot vulnerable victims of crime who were either physically or mentally disabled.
The police now need special training to remind them how to spot vulnerable victims of crime?
How has Common Purpose helped the police?
By the way, are you aware that every police force in England is now a Registered Company? When and why did this happen?

The Ministry of Justice has spent a small fortune on Common Purpose training.
The whole system is now a total mess.
Violent criminals are released early to go on and commit murder, jail sentences are far too soft, criminals are treated better than the victims and many crimes never make it to court.
How has Common Purpose training helped the Ministry of Justice?

The M O D has also spent a large amount of money on Common Purpose training.
Yet every day we have to suffer the pain of seeing young lads and their older colleagues being sent back from Afghanistan either in coffins or with limbs missing.
Senior officers are speaking out and resigning because most of these deaths could have been avoided if the troops were given the proper equipment.
Will the M O D continue to spend money on Common Purpose training or will they be encouraged to use this money to provide our boys with the equipment they desperately need?

Was it a coincidence that MP’s were exposed this year for abusing their expenses or was it all stage managed to weaken our parliament and make it easier for the EU to take us over completely?
(Tony Blair is about to be made President of the EU)
The abuse was widespread and many MP’s claimed they were encouraged to do it.
Who encouraged them to abuse the expense system and who authorised the payments?
Incidentally, I was shocked to see the Tories do so well at the Euro elections.
All parties were involved in the expenses scandal yet Labour seemed to take the brunt of it.
I won’t be around to vote next year but if I was you can be sure I wouldn’t be voting for any of the main parties.
I would be looking for an independent I felt I could trust and this is the advice I’m giving to friends and family.
All the main parties have Common Purpose connections.

Common Purpose is estimated to have received over One Hundred Million Pounds from the taxpayer.
I say estimated because they refuse to publish their accounts. This figure has been reached following a series of Freedom of Information requests.
There have been over 200 requests made through this site alone so I guess I’m not the only once concerned about this organization.

It could very well be far in excess of 100M.
Yet I am unable to find any area where Common Purpose training has produced any verifiable, worthwhile results.
On the surface Common Purpose resembles a pyramid scheme, when you dig deeper it becomes far more sinister.

I will soon be leaving this earth but I won’t be sad for myself, only for those I leave behind.
I can remember a time when criminals were locked up, babies were not tortured to death under the noses of social workers, doctors and the police and old or vulnerable people could walk down the street without fear. These days they’re not safe in their own homes.

Enjoy your retirement Derek.


Ken Boyce.

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